Sabado, Hulyo 2, 2011

Advantage and disadvantage of Science and Technology

                In our modern world Science and Technology are important,beside there are many people can't live without such gadgets or invention.But we all know that even its important to us but still there are many disadvantage in us,because of this technology we became dependent and also over using this technology can cause a cancer because of the radiation.Even in our environment it may cause damage.All good thing for us have also their side effect.Now we depend machine to do all our household chores and even our schools assignment and activities.Technology is important in order us to communicate  our love ones outside the country.
              Science is the key by which man go anywhere or travel everywhere at any time in the space and even in land or in the air.Its because of the great invention of our intelligent scientist.It is true that the most striking features of the present century is the process of science.We are lucky that there are many great invention have been born.Computer is one of the useful invention,but there are many teenagers addicted computers.Chatting,playing dota and many more is their priority instead of studying their lesson to be a successful one.We can see that this machine can influence in every aspect of their everyday life both for better and for worst.The advantage of science and technology are:
         1. Less work for human
                           -we don't need to work and work in order us to finish our job faster.We can use machine to help us in doing our work don't need our effort.
          2. Make life more enjoyable
                          -gadgets help people to forget their problems even in a few  minutes/hour.Modern technology now can help people to be more happier that  before,make life people enjoy their life to the fullest.
           3.Medicine easier to synthesize
                         -help the doctors to combine all ingredients needed effective medicine.Help in analyzing the right procedure in making medicine.
                4.Faster to do some jobs
                                   -machine help you to finish your job on time,and it can minimize your time in doing such job or task.You must depend the capability of that machine to do your work without any physical effort.

The disadvantage of Science and Technology

                                         Technology make people to be dependent,can't work without the the help of that machine.People become lazy,can't do in their own.They can't live without gadgets.Most people say that they can't live without computers,maybe that's true because even any school activities almost all student need computer and internet in making their reports and many more.But not that point that cant live without any gadgets,maybe others.Invention have also there disadvantage to us and even in our environment/society.Disadvantage follows:

           1.Environment is polluted and damage
                            -because of the technology and inventions that scientist invent in order  us to finish all our job on time and faster but still there are an effect that can  damage our mother Earth,they made our environment  more polluted because of
 the smoke that the vehicle produce and factories.

                                                                                                       2.More weapon created
              -easily in doing any kind of weapon with no license.Making weapon in an illegal way,they can easily make any  kind of weapon in just a minute in the help of such technology.

 3.People become lazy and don't work
                      -they depend on the technology,they usually use any invention to help or do their work.They become so dependent of all the gadgets that invented instead in using firewood in cooking but now we use electricity.
         4.Climate change
                         -the technology that being invented is the one reason for the climate change.Example is the refrigerator,it produce CFC that can make the ozone layer destruct or break the ozone layer that may result to climate changes.


                                                                         ...THE END...

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