There are three distinct kind of climate: temperature, humidity and rainfall. Temperature refer to the temperature every month, it measure the coolest and heatest month of the while year. Humidityrefer to the moisture content of the atmosphere due to high temperature and the surrounding bodies of water. The combination of warm temperature and high relative and absolute humidities give rise to high sinsible temperature throughout the archipelago. And the most important climatic element in the Philippines. Rainfall distributed throughout the country varies from one region to another, depending upon the direction of the moisture bearing wind and location of the mountain system.

El Nino and La Nina is also part of the the climate. Weather and Climate is important to us in order us to survive. we are so lucky the we dont suffer any problem in our weather and climate not like other country. Weather and climate have also affect our life.

Thanks for sharing those information about Weather Philippines. You really gave valuable info to the readers. Keep on posting!
TumugonBurahinyour welcome maam, its my pleasure ..